A Comprehensive Guide on Dining Chair Repairs: Practical Solutions for Any Situation


We understand the frustration that comes with a broken dining chair. The broken leg, squeaky sounds, loose armrests – they make the chair both uncomfortable and unsafe. However, we are here to help. This comprehensive guide provides detailed information on repairing various dining chair issues, helping you restore their function and aesthetics.

Identifying the Problem

Before starting any repair work, it’s vital to identify the problem. Not every creaky sound indicates a significant issue; sometimes, it may just be a loose screw. The most common problems include loose joints, broken legs and arms, stickiness, stripping of the chair, and creaks. Let’s take an in-depth look at each issue and its solution.

Loose Joints

Loose joints often result from the wear and tear of elements. When it happens, the chair may seem shaky, and if not fixed in time, it might collapse.

How to fix loose joints

Remove the old adhesive from the joint using a knife or a chisel. Apply wood glue into the joint and clamp it tightly to ensure the two parts connect firmly. Leave it for 24 hours to dry completely.

Broken Legs and Arms

Many factors can cause Chair legs and arms to break. Whether it’s kids’ rough use or accidents, a broken leg or arm can make your chair completely useless.

How to fix broken legs and arms

The primary solution is using wood glue to stick the broken parts together. However, if the damage is significant, installing a new leg or arm may be the best option. It requires basic woodworking skills to ensure proper alignment and stability.

Creaky Chairs

Creaky chairs can be annoying. It’s often a sign of loosen screws or a problem with the chair’s structure.

How to fix creaky chairs

Locate the source of the noise. If it’s a loose screw, tighten it up, and if the creak comes from the chair structure, some lubrication might help. Apply some furniture wax to reduce friction.

Stripping of the Chair

Dining chairs often face stripping issue due to regular use. The constant wear and tear lead to the coating peeling off, often leaving your chair with an unpleasant look.

How to fix the stripping issue

Remove the old finish using sandpaper and apply a new layer of varnish or paint. Ensure to evenly spread for a smooth finish.

Everyday Maintenance of Dining Chairs

Prevention is always better than a cure. Maintaining your dining chair can increase its longevity and reduce repair costs.

  1. Regularly tightening: The screws can get loose with time, making the chair unstable. Regularly tighten them to avoid any risks.

  2. Cleaning: Regular cleaning prevents build-up that can damage your chair.

  3. Recoating: Recoating the chair when needed can keep it looking new and reduce the stripping problem.


We all want our dining chairs to last long, but ensuring their longevity requires both regular maintenance and occasional repair. This comprehensive guide on dining chair repairs equips you with the necessary knowledge and skills for maintaining and refurbishing your chairs. Whether it’s loose joints, broken legs, creaky sounds, or stripping issues – now, you can fix them all!

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